Why am I seeing them!

Common House Fly

Why am i seeing flies in my home

Seeing flies in your home all of a sudden can be frustrating. Addressing these factors can help reduce the fly population in your home. Several factors might contribute to their sudden appearance:

  • Food Sources: Flies are attracted to food, especially if it's left uncovered or not properly stored. They can also be drawn to garbage, compost, and pet food.
  • Moisture: Flies need moisture to survive, so leaky pipes, standing water, or damp areas can attract them.
  • Decaying Matter: Flies are scavengers that feed on decaying organic matter. This could include rotting fruit, vegetables, or even a dead rodent inside your walls or under floors.
  • Warm Temperatures: Flies thrive in warm environments, and their life cycle can be quite rapid, with eggs hatching into larvae in just a few hours.
  • Openings: Flies can enter your home through open doors and windows, or even hitch a ride on your clothing or belongings.

Whats kinds of flies are native to texas

Texas is home to a variety of fly species, each with unique characteristics and habitats. Here are some of the most common native flies you might encounter:

  • House Flies (Musca domestica): These are one of the most common flies found not only in Texas but around the world. They are attracted to decaying organic matter and can spread diseases.
  • Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster): These small flies are often found near decaying fruits and vegetables. They have a short lifespan and are attracted to moisture and light.
  • Blow Flies (Calliphoridae): Known for their iridescent colors, blow flies are attracted to decaying matter and are often the first to arrive at a carcass.
  • Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans): These flies are notorious for their painful bites and feed on the blood of mammals, including livestock.
  • Horse Flies (Tabanidae): Large flies known for their painful bites, horse flies are commonly found near water sources and target large mammals.
  • Deer Flies (Chrysops spp.): These flies are also known for their painful bites and are commonly found near water.
  • Gnat-like Dance Flies (Empididae): These small flies are often mistaken for gnats and are found in various habitats.
  • Midge Flies (Chironomidae): These tiny flies are often found near water and are important in aquatic ecosystems.